Mission, Vision, & Values
The Foundation of Our Organization.
Our Mission
To enrich the health of the trans, queer, intersex and gender diverse communities through trauma-informed care, culturally-affirming services and social justice advocacy.
Our Vision
We envision an LGBTQAI2S+ community, free of stigma, where all have access to high quality healthcare, advocacy, and programs. We want to see an empowered healthy community including physical, social, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Our Values
We employ a Philosophy of Care that mirrors our guiding principles. We view pervasive social ignorance, prejudice and stigma towards our communities as the primary source of illness and disease for LGBTQAI2S+ individuals. Poor health outcomes in our community are all directly related to the systematic cultural oppression and stigmatization of LGBTQAI2S+ individuals. This oppression and its detrimental effects are compounded for individuals with multiple oppressed identities.
Community, Resistance, Radical Compassion, Equity, Intersectionality, & Sustainability
Although our work often involves responding to crises and fighting oppressive systems, our two programmatic branches are also imbued with care, joy, and abundance. We envision a world where our siblings can rest and connect with one another, unburdened by a society that wants them dead. Our philosophy reflects the history of community care that queer and transgender people, excluded from traditional social safety nets, have relied upon for ages.
At Equi, we push back against the traditional DEI framework, assimilationist and reformist in nature. Inspired alternatively by Decolonize Design, we instead model our programming around the tenets of Belonging, Dignity, and Justice (BDJ). Not simply a semantic or contrarian argument, we prefer the language of liberation. Often equity efforts in the nonprofit sector fall flat and reproduce cycles of harm. As a culturally specific, peer worker based organization, BDJ are ingrained in our programming, outreach, and community engagement by design.
Disparities under the LGBTQIA2S+ umbrella threaten a one-size-fits-all approach to queer and trans health resourcing & advocacy. Especially for trans folks battling intersecting axes of oppression, harm from within the community poses a great barrier. By centering our work in BDJ, we co-create and carve out spaces for marginalized queer and trans folks centered on their comfort and safety, where they can be seen, honored, and held by community.
Moreover, our work fighting against cis-hetero-patriachy necessitates disrupting white supremacy and its many roots of subjugation including racism, ableism, transphobia, anti-Indigeneity, and misogynoir. At Equi, we cultivate long term, deeply respectful relationships with community members and other CBOs organizing around collective liberation. We believe that revolution calls for a diversity of tactics. At the crossroads of community building and libertory resourcing & advocacy, we pride ourselves with our unique and tailored approach to world-building.
The Institute's programs and policies are informed by the tenets and practical application of the theories of Health at Every Size, Racial Justice, Anti-Oppression Practice, Economic Equality, and Non-Violent Communication. At the core, our values are advocacy, education, and social justice.
We value inclusivity and service to our community with attention to the needs of every gender, sexuality, race, class, ability, size, religion or any identity chosen or assigned.
We value empowerment as individuals and as a community.
We value knowledge, both developing and sharing knowledge of gender/cultural-affirming practices with the goal of growing a network of health care providers and other professionals who are competent with LGBTQAI2S+ needs.
As members of a marginalized community, LGBTQAI2S+ persons face unique medical issues and barriers to accessing culturally competent care. High rates of smoking, drug and alcohol addiction and self-medication, depression, anxiety, suicide, poverty, risky sexual behavior, and poor utilization of health care and social services are disproportionately endemic within our community.
As a legacy to the work of Dr. Marie Equi, we aim to support integrated healthcare, social justice, advocacy and programming for any and all members of the community at large with attention to gender identity, sexuality, race, class, ethnicity, ability, size, or age.